Passenger Sucked Out of Airplane Window At 32000 Feet Altitude

An iced coffee saved a woman from dying?

Aravind Balakrishnan
5 min readAug 18, 2022


(From the left) Broken engine, shattered window, and long shot of shattered window

April 17, 2018: 42-year-old Hollie Mackey boarded the Southwest Airline 1380 from Newyork city to Dallas, Texas.

This airway kept an open seat policy in which passengers were not assigned seats prior to the flight. They got them on a First Come First Served basis.



Aravind Balakrishnan

Introvert or Shy? Not sure. Bibliophile or Cine-buff? Both. Nethead or Story-writer? Still dunno. All I know is I want to write to live and I live to write.